¤ Pegasus Flyers
Inline Skate Club App ¤

Weekly Skates

The list of skates going on this week.

Details about a skate, like when and where.

The starting point of the skate.
Special Events

The list of special events.

The location of the special event. (Opens in the Maps app.)

The special event's web site. (Opens in Safari.)

The current weather in Dallas Texas. You can shake to refresh it.

This lets you track distance during a skate.
You can Start and Stop tracking your skate. You can also Reset your current distance to 0.

You can see the distance you've skated, the total distance you've skated over time, and the distance from when you started your current skate. (Total Distance and From Start are not affected by the Reset button.)

You can tap the lock icon to disable the Stop, Start and Reset buttons, to avoid accidentally hitting a button.
Web Sites

This is where you can find more information about the Pegasus Flyers Inline Skate Club.

The Yahoo Group is where you'll find club members discussing skating or skate related topics.

The Pegasus Flyer's web site has more detailed information about the club.
General Info

Information page listing the developer and general disclaimer for the club.